Stormwater: fouling our waterways
Stormwater is killing our creeks and harbours. Auckland Council must give the lead, but all of us have a responsibility to do something about one of the city’s greatest environmental challenges. Read more

Chamberlain Park: urban battleground
Chamberlain Park Golf Course has become a 21st century battleground with golfers challenging the drive of a local board committed to opening the land to wider use. Read more

Aquatic centre: so what’s happening?
Once you’ve got a community asset, you should never lose it. But there’s no certainty we’ll get a new public swimming pool when the aquatic centre closes around 2023-2025. Read more

Asquith Ave: HNZ’s puzzling dawdle
Years after the last tenants were shifted out of Housing NZ’s land at Asquith Ave, locals are still waiting for the builders to arrive. What’s happening – and where did it all start? Read more

On the mountain: people before cars
Enjoy driving up Summit Drive to show visitors the great views from the top of the mountain? Well, no one is going to stop you. But soon most people will have to get out at the entrance and walk. Read more

Village upgrade: long frustrating road
The Mt Albert town centre upgrade has caused distress to business owners and frustration to locals. But by the end of the summer the hassles should be over. Read more

Unitec project: town for tomorrow
In a swiftly-growing city desperate for more houses, the Unitec land off Carrington Rd offers great opportunity. Before too much longer a new town will start to rise. Read more