[January 23, 1923 – Auckland Star] A deputation from the Mt. Albert Borough Council, headed by the Mayor (Mr. A. F. Bennett), waited on the Auckland Electric Power Board yesterday afternoon to ascertain when current would be available in that suburb. Mr. Bennett said that he wished to remind the board that there was such a place as Mt. Albert on the map, and the district included in it formed part of the area which was under the control of the board. The board was responsible for the reticulation of that area, and the deputation need not tell members that there was a good demand both for electric power and light in that district, and as soon as it was there he would assure them that the venture on the board’s part, if not its duty, would be a paying one.
Representations had been made to the Council regarding the delay in installing electricity in the district, and he quoted from correspondence from the board showing that the borough had been promised that immediately the material came to hand the work would be put in hand. The deputation wished to urge the claims of their borough and to learn the approximate time the work would be put in hand, for it was disappointing that one borough should receive attention and not another.
The chairman (Mr. W. J. Holdsworth) said that the claims of Mt. Albert had not been overlooked. The correspondence the Mayor had mentioned would hold good, and as soon as the material came to hand the work would be commenced. The first of that material was expected next month. Poles were coming to hand fairly freely at the present time, and as soon as the board got the material Mt.Albert would be supplied from the sub-station at Kingsland. As soon as the board received something definite, regarding the material the Council would be informed.
The secretary of the Auckland Employers’ Association (Mr. S. E. Wright) wrote stating that members had expressed a keen desire to know what the future policy of the board was in regard to reticulation and supply, as at present they could not order forward stock with any feeling of certainty that they would be disposed of satisfactorily and as a result all members of his association were ordering only very short supplies. The matter was referred to the manager and engineer.
Petitions for supply were received from the residents of Old Mill Road, west of Garnet Road, Grey Lynn, and from the West Lynn Householders’ Association for two houses at the Garnet Road end of Larchwood Avenue. The manager and engineer reported that these streets would be dealt with on the arrival of further cable.
(To the Editor.)
[June 10, 1924 – Auckland Star] Sir,— l notice a statement that “the reticulating of electricity to the suburbs of Mt. Eden and Mt. Albert is extending rapidly.” This is entirely contrary to fact. We have, day by day, waited for any evidence of good faith by the board, in making a start on this work and to date nothing has been done. The district of Mount Albert is noted for the most rapid building extension of any Auckland suburb, and most houses which have been erected during the last nine or twelve months have been wired in readiness for the current and will connect up at once on the reticulation being carried out. In the meantime, because the board has failed in its promises such houses must be served with indifferent lights. In a word the district offers a good field for immediate development. We know that the chairman of the Power Board is alive to the needs of the district, but what Mount Albert people want to know is “Why was the stated programme of the board departed from?” in that we find that Penrose (6 and a half miles out) and Onehunga (7 miles) have been reticulated before Mount Albert, where reticulation was stopped 3 and a half miles out, although our district was before those I mentioned in the scheme of development.
—l am, etc.